2024-2025 年學術比賽須知
1. 學術比賽訂於 2025 年 1 月 25 日(星期六)下午 1:30–4:30 在 Leland High School 校址舉
The Academic Contest will be held on January 25, 2024 at Leland High School from
1:30 PM – 4:30 PM.
2. 報名截止日為 2024 年 11 月 09 日 11:59 pm, 逾期概不受理。
The last day to register is November 09, 2024 11:59pm. Late registration will not be
3. 年齡分組及比賽方式均按照北加州中文學校聯合會學術比賽規則辦理。詳細內容(包括規
則、考試形式與試題範例、朗讀讀稿等) 請於 11月中以後到下列網查閱:
All the rules and regulation will follow ANCCS’s Academic Contest more details
(including rules, test format, sample questions, reading scripts etc) can be found at
website after mid November:
4. 參賽學生必須於比賽前十五分鐘準時至考場報到,比賽開始後到達者,以棄權論,不 准入場
Contestants must arrive at the assigned classroom 15 minutes prior to the start time of
the contest. Late arrivals will be disqualified and banned from entering the contest room.
No parents are allowed in the contest room.
5. 比賽中嚴禁使用各類電子產品,違者取消參賽資格。
No electronic devices are allowed during the contest. Those who violate the rule will be
6. 書寫姓名或作記號之作品或試卷,均予以作廢。
Contestant names and markings not explicitly approved by the test proctor are not
allowed on the test paper. Those who violate the rule will be disqualified.
7. 除國語組演講、國語組朗讀、書法比賽及唱遊將會在2024年11月中宣佈考題外,其餘各組
All the tests will be released during the contest except for Mandarin Speech, Mandarin
Read Aloud, Chinese Calligraphy and Chinese Children’s Songs. Those will be released
in mid-November 2024.
8. 參加國語組演講、國語組朗讀和唱遊者請勿自報姓名,違者取消參賽資格
For Mandarin Speech, Mandarin Read Aloud and Chinese Children’s Song, contestants
are not allowed to mention their names. Those who violate the rule will be disqualified.
9. 參加演講比學生不可看稿比賽,違者取消參賽資格
For Mandarin Speech, contestants are not allowed to use scripts. Those who violate the
rule will be disqualified.
10. 參加唱遊項目的學生(獨唱或合唱)將表演一首賽前公佈的指定曲,和一首自選曲
Participants in the Chinese Children’s Songs category (Solo or Duet) have to perform
their assigned song and one self-selected song.
11. 前三名得獎者分數必須在85%以上。如果很多參賽者得分都在85%以上,就以最高得分者
In order to get the top three awards, contestants must score at least 85%. If a lot of
contestants hit the score of at least 85%, the higher the score will be the first winner and
so on.
The honorable prize will be given to those contestants who score at least 85% but not in
the top three awards.
12. 評審完畢,當即日公佈各組得獎之名單
The winners will be announced on the competition day after judging is completed.
13. 第一名得獎者可有機會代表學校去參加20242025年ANCCS舉辦的學術比賽
The first place winner may have a chance to represent the school at the ANCCS
Academic Contest tentatively scheduled for March 2025.